There’s no denying the appeal of live streaming activities and events on Facebook Live. Let’s just start with the fact that Facebook currently claims an astounding 2.23 billion active daily users, a number that never seems to stop growing. Then there’s the immediacy of live streaming video, insomuch as it creates a sense of FOMO that will drive consumers to watch. Banking social currency demands being the first to know and share information, and this is probably a major driver of the success of Facebook Live.
Of course, video is also more engaging than print communications right off the bat. It conveys significantly more information in a compelling format and an expedient manner. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth exponentially more, especially when your partner in digital marketing in Asheville, NC helps you to create content formatted to engage viewers, deliver a message, and encourage specific behavior.
As experts at your Asheville digital marketing firm can probably tell you, there’s a lot to love about Facebook Live, but only when you use it correctly. If you want to increase customer engagement, you not only need to know how to create unique and compelling contents, but also how to schedule it, promote it, boost interest and sharing, and ultimately, capitalize on the medium. Here are just a few strategies you and your Asheville social media services partner should incorporate to increase engagement on Facebook Live.
Discuss Appropriate Live Streaming with Your Social Media Management in Asheville
Live streaming through Facebook can open the door to immense outreach opportunities and a considerable increase in overall engagement. However, this doesn’t mean you should live stream every activity or event. You need to be selective if you want to keep your audience riveted.
It is totally appropriate to live stream from trade shows and other industry events, to showcase product launches or highlight important happenings, and even to introduce the consumer public to new employees or people of note within your organization. In addition, these videos can be repurposed for later use if you edit and post them on your website, send clips via social media, or use the footage for advertising purposes, just for example.
If you inundate people with meaningless live streaming, however, you’re likely to bore them, and you’ll have a hard time creating a sense of excitement when something noteworthy is actually in the works. Think of it like the boy who cried wolf. If you’re shouting all the time, people will stop listening. If you regularly stream high-value content, you’re much more likely to keep an audience engaged and encourage sharing and ongoing patronage.
Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Scheduling
It’s wise to work with your Asheville digital marketing firm to determine when and how often to create live streaming events. This mainly revolves around when you think your audience will be available and receptive.
Say you’re at an overseas trade show in a different time zone. You might be live streaming the event when your primary audience is asleep. In this case, your best bet is to choose the hours that suit your audience, find some overlap with live streaming action at the event, and then use the rest of your time to recap.
Scheduling isn’t always easy, but it starts with understanding your audience. As for how often you should live stream, your goal should be to set up a schedule of regular events, just as you likely have a schedule for posting new blogs or updating social media accounts. A regular schedule of live content doesn’t preclude you from adding special events.
Find Appropriate On-Air Talent
Although you are passionate about what you do, you may not be the best live correspondent or host. To be blunt, not everyone has the demeanor to reach through a monitor and grab the attention of an audience. Your preferred partner in digital marketing in Asheville, NC should be able to help you find the right on-air talent, either within your ranks or with an outside talent agency.
Pay Attention and Respond
One of the aspects of live streaming that’s so appealing from an engagement standpoint is the ability to interact with viewers in real time by reading and responding to their questions and comments. You want it to feel like a conversation between you and the audience, and responding to comments not only makes the interaction more engaging for all, but it also encourages participation. You may need a team of specialists in social media management in Asheville to help you out by sifting through comments to deliver examples of the most common themes.
Follow Up with Your Asheville Social Media Services Team
Whether you’re analyzing the results of your broadcast, answering questions that you didn’t have time for during the live stream, or finding ways to repurpose footage, you can make the most of every live streaming event with the help of a digital marketing expert like Barking Dog. Follow up is just as important as live streaming when it comes to measuring engagement and making changes to improve in the future.